School Dress Code

Students are expected to dress in a manner appropriate to an educational environment. Their appearance should be neat and acceptable to general society and in keeping with school activities.

The following guidelines are in place:

  • Hair shall be neat and clean. Spray on hair color is not allowed.
  • Shoes that allow students to run and play safely are to be worn at all times (no flip-flops). Our concern is safety, not fashion, and we expect all students to be prepared for activity every day. Tennis shoes are highly recommended for playing and essential for P.E.
  • Attire with crude or vulgar printing, pictures depicting drugs, tobacco or alcoholic beverages or those that are sexually suggestive are not acceptable.
  • Dress or length shall be no shorter than extended fingertips.
  • Bare midriffs, low-cut or revealing tops, or “off the shoulder” blouses are not permitted. Clothing that undergarments (such as bra straps and boxer shorts) is not permitted. Spaghetti straps are not allowed.
  • Ragged or torn garments are not permitted.
  • Pants that are extremely baggy, or many sizes too big, are not permitted.
  • “See through” or “fish net” tops may not be worn. Boys must wear shirts at all times.
  • Make-up may not be worn, including glittery lip-gloss. Nail polish is acceptable.

If a student’s attire does not meet the district’s guidelines, a warning will be issued or his/her parent will be called and the student may be sent home to change into appropriate clothing.


Great safe environment for children to learn and have open space to enjoy physical exercise too.

My son started in 1st grade after a not so supportive kindergarten experience and I’ve watched him thrive and grow with all 3 years thus far at Riebli with great teachers!
